22Apr, 2016

Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD)

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What Is Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD)? The World Health Organisation Fact Sheet 2013 has stated that cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) is the number one cause of death globally.  More people die annually from cardiovascular diseases then from any other causes.  There is an estimated 17.5 million people who died from cardiovascular diseases in 2013, representing 31% of global deaths.   What are Cardiovascular Diseases? Many people think that cardiovascular disease with is heart attack.  This is a misconception.  The term “cardiovascular diseases” encompasses a group of medical conditions that affect the heart […]


22Apr, 2016


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What is atherothrombosis ? Atherothrombosis is derived from 2 Greek words – athero which comes from atherosclerosis and is defined as a systemic inflammatory disease characterized by the accumulation of inflammatory cells in the walls of the large arteries leading to cholesterol deposition in the walls and the formation of cholesterol plaques also known as atheroma.  Thrombosis is the formation of blood clot (thrombus) within the cholesterol plaque in the blood vessel as a result of a rupture of the plaque and obstruction of blood flow.  Atherothrombosis therefore is characterized […]


22Apr, 2016

Altitude Sickness

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The recent reports by the media on 2 Singaporeans – 66-year-old man and a 61-year-old woman who died of altitude sickness at Mt Kailash have generated tremendous interest and awareness of this condition. This is important as there are more people taking adventurous tours such as scaling or trekking high mountains. This article hopes to put in perspective the condition of high altitude sickness and information with regards to the prevention of altitude sickness as well as the look-out for the development of altitude sickness because if diagnosed early will […]


22Apr, 2016

Altitude sickness Interview

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INTERVIEW WITH DR PETER YAN ON ALTITUDE SICKNESS From your experience, do you think that Singaporeans tend to think that altitude sickness is not a serious matter? Why? Singaporeans are aware of altitude sickness especially people with heart conditions.  Often, my patients and their families ask about safety of flying as well as going to resort mountains in China, Tibet, etc for holidays.  So I think that they do consider this as a serious matter.  However the young and healthy Singaporeans may not, an example would be like my daughter, […]