We believe our first responsibility is to our patients, their families and their loved ones.

We endeavour to do our utmost best in delivering a high quality, high value, best outcome cardiovascular service through an integrated, comprehensive multi-specialty team approach that will provide seamless care for all our heart patients.

In meeting our patients’ needs, everything we do must be and will be of the highest professional code of ethics and conduct and evidence-based.

Patients must be serviced promptly, expeditiously and expertly.

We will strive constantly to reduce cost in order to maintain a reasonable private affordable health care service.

Every patient must be respected and recognised as an individual, not a disease entity.

We must be mindful of ways to help them and understand their sickness and provide care and compassion for our patients and their families.

We are grounded in science.

We are driven by mission.

We are focused on reducing cardiovascular deaths and disability.

We are truly advocates of best cardiovascular medicine, health and service.

We are committed to bringing healthier lives free from any cardiovascular disease.

We are challenged to lead first for our patients, second for our community and finally for ourselves.

We are charged with being transformational.

We are builders of healthier cardiovascular lives.