Percutaneous cardiopulmonary bypass supported coronary angioplasty – A pilot study on the use of percutaneous cardiopulmonary bypass system in supported coronary angioplasty at the National University Hospital.
Project I:
The use of percutaneous CPS in supported coronary angioplasty for patients with cardiogenic shock in acute myocardial infarction.
Project II:
The use of percutaneous CPS in high risk patients undergoing percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty.
Coronary stenting at the National University Hospital
A study to look at the results on primary success and restenosis rates of coronary arterial stenting/angioplasty versus balloon angioplasty. (Project under collaboration with Dr Richard Schatz from USA).
Refereed Journals – International
P Yan, A Broughton, RW Harper, A Hains, A Pitt
Arrhythmia aggravation and anteroseptal myocardial infarction followin attempted electrical ablation of posterior facicular ventricular tachycardia (VT)
PACE – Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, USA, 1985; 8: 790.
P Yan, A Broughton, RW Harper, J Federman, A Pitt
Ventricular tachycardia without structural heart disease: Two sites of origin
PACE, USA, 1987; 8: 790.
P Yan, BL Chia, M Choo, B Ee
Right-sided infective endocarditis – A Singapore experience
The Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand 35th Annual Scientific Meeting, August 2-5 1987, Melbourne, Australia. Published in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine, August 1987.
S Johnston, A Pitt, S Anderson, R Harper, P Yan, C Garth
Early and six monthly assessment of angiographic and symptomatic changes after successful transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA)
The Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand 35th Annual Scientific Meeting, August 2-5 1987, Melbourne, Australia. Published in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine, August 1987.
BL Chia, P Yan, M Choo
Apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and bilateral coronary artery left ventricular fistula.
CHEST (Accepted for publication and in press).
BL Chia, P Yan, B Ee, M Choo, CN Lee
Doppler colour flow mapping abnormalities in dissecting aneurysm.
American Heart Jouranl (Accepted for publication and in press).
BL Chia, P Yan, B Ee, M Choo, CN Lee
Right-sided infective endocarditis – A Singapore experience
American Heart Journal, 1988; 116: 568-571.
P Yan, BL Chia, A Tan, M Choo
Echocardiographic abnormalities in the Lutembacher syndrome.
American Heart Journal, 1988; 116: 1361-1362.
P Yan, BL Chia, M Choo
Bradycardia dependent left posterior hemiblock in acute myocardial infarction.
Asean Journal of Clinical Sciences, 1988; Vol 8 No. 3: 81-83.
M Choo, M Tay, JK Yeoh, BL Chia, P Yan
Efficacy of the Doppler “zero-time” method for non-invasive measurement of mitral valve area in patients with atrial fibrillation.
CHEST (to be submitted for publication).
BL Chia, P Yan, M Tay, M Choo
Flecainide acetate (Tambocor) in the treatment of ventricular arrhythmias.
Asean Journal of Clinical Sciences, 1988; Vol 8 No. 4: 99-106.
M Choo, TC Aw, BL Chia, E Koay, P Yan, K Kon
Lipoprotein profiles in patients undergoing coronary arteriography.
Atherosclerosis (to be submitted for publication).
M Choo, BL Chia, WY Tan, P Yan, K Ngerng, M Tay
Use of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring for classifying patients with borderline hypertension.
Hypertension (to be submitted for publication).
Doppler colour flow mapping in ruptured aortic sinus of Valsalva aneurysm.
Americal Heart Journal, 1988; 115: 686-688.
P Yan, M Choo, BL Chia, CN Lee, L Tan
Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) – A report on the first 24 patients at the National University Hospital.
1st Joint Meeting of the Singapore Cardiac Society and the Heart Association of Thailand, 18-21 February 1988.
P Yan
The role of thrombolytic therapy in acute myocardial infarction – current status and the Singapore experience.
1st Joint Meeting of the Singapore Cardiac Society and the Heart Association of Thailand, 18-21 February 1988.
JK Yeoh, P Yan, CS Soo, YT Lim, HH Choo
Mitral stenosis and free floating left atrial thrombus: Demonstration of the ‘hole-in-one’ effect by colour doppler.
Accepted for publication in Americal Heart Journal.
Hyo-Soo Kim, Yangfeng Wu, Shing-Jong Lin, Chaicharn Deerochanawong, Robaayah Zambahari, Liancheng Zhao, Qiaoyi Zhang, P Yan
Current status of cholesterol goal attainment after statin therapy among patients with hypercholesterolemia in Asian countries and region: the Return on Expenditure Achieved for Lipid Therapy in Asia (REALITY-Asia) study.
Current Medical Research And Opinion; Vol. 24, No. 7, 2008, 1951–1963
Referred Journals – Local/Regional
JS Cheah, AC Thai, E Jacob, KF Lui, P Yan, PPB Yeo
Comparison of the oral glucose tolerance test in adults using 50 gm glucose load.
Singapore Medical Journal 1982 (Singapore), Vol 23: 247-251.
P Yan, JS Cheah, AC Thai, PPB Yeo
Diabetic ketoacidosis – A Review
Annals Academy of Medicine, October 1983 (Singapore), Vol 12 No. 4: 596-605
BL Chia, P Yan
Coronary Artery Disease in the Elderly.
Annals Academy of Medicine, January 1987, Vol 16 No. 1: 78-83.
P Yan, M Choo
CPR in Singapore – in decade of experience (to be submitted for publication).
P Yan, M Choo
Experience with the use of a semi-automatic external defibrillator (Heartstart 2000)
(to be submitted for publication).
P Yan, M Choo
Mass CPR training in Singapore (to be submitted for publication).
P Yan, M Choo
Life support training in Singapore – Future prospect. Symposium on “Basic and Advanced Life Support”, Singapore Cardiac Society, 30 August 1987.
P Yan, M Choo
The role of new defibrillators in Singapore. Workshop on emergency medical technician – defibrillation, Singapore Cardiac Society, 1 September 1987.
P Yan, M Choo, BL Chia, CN Lee, M Woo, WK Boey, L Tan
Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) – Early experience at the National University Hospital (NUH).
1st Annual Scientific Meeting, Singapore Cardiac Soceity, 20 March 1988.
JK Yeoh, M Choo, M Tay, P Yan, BL Chia
Doppler zero time measurement of mitral valve area – an accurate and more rapid method? 1st Annual Scientific Meeting, Singapore Cardiac Society, 20 March 1988.
K Kon, M Choo, C Chan, P Yan, BL Chia, L Tan
Validation of automatically computed segmental wall motion analysis by digital subtraction angiography. 1st Annual Scientific Meeting, Singapore Cardiac Society, 20 March 1988.
WY Tan, M Choo, M Tay, K Ngerng, BL Chia, P Yan, CN Lee
24 hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in subjects with mildly elevated blood pressure. 1st Annual Scientific Meeting, Singapore Cardiac Society, 20 March 1988.
Invitation to submit articles:
P Yan
New techniques for acute coronary intervention. Singapore Medical Journal.
P Yan
Mass CPR in Singapore. Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore (to be published January 1992 issue).
Conference Papers
P Yan, PPB Yeo, KW Wang, AC Thai, JS Cheah, BY Tan, P Lim
Home blood glucose monitoring: patient’s choice of methods.
Silver Jubliee Meeting, 16th Singapore-Malaysia Congress of Medicine, July 1982.
P Yan, JS Cheah, AC Thai, E Jacob, KF Lui, PPB Yeo
Comparison of oral glucose tolerance tests in adults using 50 gm and 70 gm glucose leads.
Silver Jubliee Meeting, 16th Singapore-Malaysia Congress of Medicine, July 1982.
PPB Yeo, P Yan, KW Wang, AC Thai, YK Kueh, L Chan, E Jacob, BY Tan
Home blood glucose monitoring and diabetic complications.
Silver Jubliee Meeting, 16th Singapore-Malaysia Congress of Medicine, July 1982.
P Yan, B Ee
Sick sinus syndrome in rheumatic valvular heart disease.
VIII Asian-Pacific Congress of Cardiology, Taiwan, 1983.
B E, P Yan
Prinzmetal angina in thyrotoxicosis.
VIII Asian-Pacific Congress of Cardiology, Taiwan, 1983.
A Broughton, RW Harper, P Yan, A Hains, A Pitt
Ventricular tachycardia in the absence of structural heart disease: Two distinct clinical entities.
33rd Annual Scientific Meeting, The Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand, May 1985.
RW Harper, A Broughton, P Yan, A Hains, A Pitt
Exercise induced supraventricular tachycardia – clinical and electrophysiology correlates.
33rd Annual Scientific Meeting, The Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand, May 1985.
Papers presented at the Third Asian-Pacific Symposium on Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology, Australia, October 1985
P Yan, ST Anderson, P Currie, J Federman, A Pitt, RW Harper
Pseudofracture of polyurethane unipolar electrodes – 3 year follow-up.
P Yan, RW Harper, A Broughton, ST Anderson and A Pitt
Incessant ventricular tachycardia and complete heart block treated with dual chamber demand pacing and programmable automatic scanning arrhythmia reversion (PASAR) pacemaker.
P Yan, A Broughton, RW Harper, A Hains, A Pitt
Arrhythmia aggravated and anteroseptal myocardial infarction following attempted electrical ablation of posterior fascicular ventricular tachycardia.
P Yan, A Broughton, RW Harper, J Federman, A Pitt
Ventricular tachycardia without structural heart disease: Two sites of origin.
P Bergin, A Broughton, P Yan, RW Harper, A Pitt
The oesophageal lead in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias.
Papers presented at the 34th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Cardiac Society Australia and New Zealand, April 1985
P Yan, A Pitt, RW Harper, S Anderson, S Johnston
Early angiographic changes after PTCA.
A Broughton, RW Harper, A Young, P Yan, P Weissberg, A Pitt
Ventricular tachycardia induction: The value of varying the stimulation current.
P Yan, A Broughton, R Harper, A Pitt
Diagnosis and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias utilising the oesophageal lead.
Papers presented at 20th Singapore-Malaysia Congress of Medicine, 31 July – 3 August 1986, Singapore
P Yan, A Pitt, R Harper, S Anderson, S Johnston
Early selective coronary angiography after primary successful PTCA – Its role and significance.
P Yan, A Broughton, R Harper, A Pitt, B Bergin
Oesophageal Electrocardiography and pacing- Its role in diagnosis and treatment of cardiac arrhythmia.
Papers presented at the 35th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Cardiac Society and New Zealand, 2 – 5 August 1987
P Yan, BL Chia, M Choo, B Ee
Right-sided infective endocarditis – A Singapore experience.
Papers presented at the 2nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Singapore Cardiac Society, 12 March 1987
Complex coronary angioplasty – Early experience at the National University Hospital.
P Yan, M Choo, BL Chia, CN Lee, K Kon
Cardiac exercise stress testing – Current status
P Yan
Acute effect of nitroglycerin on aortic pressure characteristics – Implication for myocardial work and perfusion
M Choo, JK Yeoh, K Kon, P Yan, BL Chia
Intra-atrial smoke like echoes and thrombi formation.
CS Soo, BL Chia, M Choo, P Yan, B Ee, M Tay
Paper presented at the 1st Regional Symposium and Workshop on Cardiac Critical Care Nursing, 2 – 5 March 1989
Latest interventional therapy in acute myocardial infarction – Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty in acute myocardial infarction
P Yan
Paper presented at the 22nd Singapore-Malaysia Congress of Medicine in Singapore, August 1988
Flecainide Acetate (Tambocor) in the treatment of ventricular arrhythmias.
BL Chia, P Yan, M Tay, M Choo
Paper presented at the 23rd Malaysia-Singapore Congress of Medicine in Kuala Lumpur, Academy of Medicine, Malaysia, 5 – 8 October 1989
Complex coronary angioplasty – The early experience in NUH
P Yan, M Choo, BL Chia, JK Yeoh, K Kon
Paper presented at the Symposium on Nutrition and Our Changing Lifestyle, Singapore Dietition Association, 4 November 1989
Nutrition in preventive and therapeutic medicine – Strenthening the bonds between health professional. Therpeutic nutrition in Hospital care
P Yan
Paper presented at the 10th Annual Scientific Meeting, Chapters of Physicians, Academy of Medicine, Singapore, 23 – 24 September 1989
Interventional medicine – Coronary artery disease
P Yan
Paper presented at the 5th Congress of ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societyes (AFES), Singapore, 30 November – 3 December 1989
Relationship of coronary stenoses to serum lipoproteins.
M Choo, E Koay, TC Aw, P Yan, BL Chia, K Kon, CTH Yeoh
Papers presented at the 3rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Singapore Cardiac Society in Singapore, 11 March 1990
Early experience with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) in acute myocardial infarction- Clinical and angiographic outcome.
P Yan, BL Chia, M Choo, JK Yeoh, CS Soo, YT Lim, M Lim
Right-sided chest electrocardiograms in pulmonary embolism.
CS Soo, JK Yeoh, BL Chia, P Yan, M Choo
Thrombolytic therapy in acute myocardial infarction.
P Yan
Papers presented at the 8th ASEAN Congress of Cardiology Singapore, 7 – 11 December 1990
Thrombolytic therapy in acute myocardial infarction – Indications and choice of thrombolytic agents.
P Yan
Comparative costs of hospitalisation, procedure and 1-year follow-up in patients undergoing myocardial revascularisation with percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) and coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) – A Singapore experience.
P Yan, M Lim, CN Lee, M Choo, BL Chia
Clinical and angiographic outcome of thrombolytic therapy with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator in acute myocardial infarction at the National University Hospital – A pilot trial.
P Yan, BL Chia, M Choo, JK Yeoh, CS Soo, YT Lim, M Lim
Initial experience with peripheral and coronary atherectomy.
MH Choo, PCH Yan, LKA Tan, MCL Lim, CN Lee, M Wholey
Haemodynamic performance of the Carbomedics bileaflet heart valve prosthesis in the mitral position assessed by two-dimensional Doppler echocardiograhy – Initial results.
CA Mestres, CS Soo, M Tay, OA Adebo, P Yan, MH Choo, CN Lee
Transtelephonic electrocardiographic diagnosis of vasospastic ventricular tachycardia.
MCL Lim, P Yan
Incidence and predictors of atrial fibrillation in thyrotoxicosis.
MCL Lim, M Choo, P Yan
Paper presented at the Post-Congress Workshop on “Life Demonstration & Teaching Course on PTCA & Valvuloplasty”, Singapore, 12- 14 December 1990
A survey of PTCA equipments – 1990s.
P Yan.
Papers presented at the 3rd Asian Pacific Symposium on Cardiac Rehabilitation, Singapore, 15 – 17 March 1991
Cost effectiveness of PTCA vs CABG vs Medical Therapy.
P Yan
Mass CPR in Singapore.
P Yan
Atherosclerosis connection – Epidemiology report in hypercholesterolemia from Singapore.
P Yan
Family, women, hormone and heart disease.
P Yan
Papers presented at the 4th Annual Scientific Session of the Singapore Cardiac Society, Singapore, 31 March 1991
The current status of coronary artery stenting, atherectomy and laser angioplasty – Is there a place for such devices?
P Yan
Coronary atherectomy – Initial report on the use of the transluminal extraction catheter (TEC) in Singapore.
P Yan
Performance characteristics of the Carbomedics bileaflet mitral and aortic valve prostheses.
CS Soo, CA Mestres, M Tay, P Yan, MH Choo, CN Lee, OA Adebo
Paper presented at the European Society of Cardiology Annual Scientific Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 01 to 05 September 2007
Lipid Management in Diabetic Patients in Asian Clinical Practice and Attainment of Alternate ATP-III.
R. Zambahari1, HS. Kim, C. Deerochanawong, Y. Wu, SJ. Lin, L. Zhao, Q. Zhang, P. Yan
Books and Others
Cholesterol and your heart, 1988
Publisher – Singapore National Heart Assocation
Editor-in-Chief of Course book for the 11th Live Demonstration Course in Cardiovascular
Intervention, 21 -31 January 2002
Invited Lectures/Talks – 1987/1988
Lecture/Demonstration of 2nd Singapore Mass CPR Training. Marina Mandarin Hotel, 29 November 1987,
National Heart Week, Singapore National Heart Association.
Lecture in 1987 Course in Advanced Medicine 6.4.87 – 28.5.87.
Topic : Current status of surgery in coronary artery disease.
Symposium on “Current Trends in the Treatment of Hypertension”. 25 January 1987.
Topic : Dilemma of mild hypertension and the elderly hypertensive patient.
Symposium on Current Trends in the Management of Ventricular Arrhythmias – Singapore Cardiac Society, 12 April 1987.
Topic : Dilemma in sudden death – Current problems and future prospects.
Symposium on “An Approach to Hyperlipidemia and Coronary Artery Disease”.
Topic : Drug therapy in hyperlipidemia.
Lecture to Medical Student (Occupational Medicine Course 1987-88).
Topic : Basic of clinical medical examination – cardiovascular system.
Pharmacist Continuing Education Programme NUH, 30 May 1988.
Topic : Hyperlipidemia – Review.
Critical Care Nursing Course NUH.
Topics :
Topics :
Lectures to third year medical students – 1988 to 1989.
Topics :