Waist Circumference

This is a simple measurement of your waist circumference.  It is to determine if you have central (abdominal) obesity (see figure below).


Abdominal Obesity Measurement Guidelines for Different Ethnic Group

Country / Ethnic GroupGenderWaist Circumference

(as measure of central obesity)

EuropidsMale≥ 94 cm
Female≥ 80 cm
USA (AIPIC)Male≥ 102 cm
Female≥ 88 cm
South Asians (Asian-Indian population, Malay)Male≥ 90 cm
Female≥ 80 cm
ChineseMale≥ 90 cm
Female≥ 80 cm
JapaneseMale≥ 90 cm
Female≥ 80 cm
Ethnic South and Central AmericansUse South Asian recommendations until more specific data are available
Sub-Saharan AfricansUse European data until more specific data are available
Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (Arab) populationsUse European data until more specific data are available


Increased waist circumference is associated with increased cardiovascular risk and also associated with metabolic syndrome and potential to develop diabetes.

Increased waist circumference is also a marker for increased risk even in persons of normal weight.